One phone call does it all

Utilize our expertise to explore the alternatives for furniture disposition or disposal. Our extensive network of brokers locally and across the country can assist in providing you with the best price for your used furniture. If more appropriate, we can provide valuations for tax write-offs or market value assessments for employee sales or charitable donations.

And we don’t stop with just furniture–we offer a full scope of services if you find yourself in the midst of facility consolidation, rightsizing, or reorganization. Property is the second highest business cost (after employee salaries) for 95% of companies. If you are looking for ways to reduce real estate costs through reallocation, compression, or disposition, we can help analyze needs and provide cost effective solutions to maximize your current space or efficiently relocate to a new space.

With one phone call to us, you will have access to a portfolio of services for managing furniture disposition as well as other physical assets of a work environment: Eliminate the hassle of lining up an array of contractors that you have to coordinate.

interior construction services that enable you to return your facility to the terms of your lease, such as millwork removal, wall demolition or patching, removal of doors, redundant power systems, or supplemental cooling systems.
data/voice cable mining; removal/relocation of IT equipment, security systems, audiovisual equipment, and phone systems
floor covering and floor systems removal, carpet patching, stone and grout restoration, wood flooring repair
commercial cleaning and maintenance
• full move management services.